Hace unos días navegando y visitando a mis artistas favoritos encontré noticias sobre nuevos talentos que también comparten sus obras, historias y fantasías (-_n)... Por favor checkeen sus blogs, no se arrepentirán! y no se olviden de comentar así ellos sabrán que les parecen sus trabajos
[ 3Dreone ] [ Will Zenn ] [ Jimjim ]
[ Fasdeviant ] [ NightFall ] [ 33.osiris ]
Y por supuesto tambien, un reconocido artista de DeviantArt que nos deleitara en su propio blog con imágenes exclusivas de alto contenido erotico (n_n)
[ ExGemini ]
En mi seccion de blogs encontraran los enlaces a sus sitios
A few days ago surfing and visiting my favorite artists, I found news about new talents who also share their works, stories and their fantasies (-_n) ... Please check their blogs, you will not regret! and don't forget to comment so they know what you think about their jobs
[ 3Dreone ] [ Will Zenn ] [ Jimjim ]
[ Fasdeviant ] [ NightFall ] [ 33.osiris ]
And of course, a recognized artist of DeviantArt, that we delight us in his own blog with exclusive images of high erotic content (n_n)
[ ExGemini ]
In my blogs section you'll find the links to their sites