John Friedland ha estado trabajando en secreto en esta revista junto con N8Dreams
estos últimos meses y ahorá por fin esta hecha y terminada, lista para su descarga
(n_n) y todo de forma gratuita. (n_n)
No te pierdas esta oportunidad de tener material informativo, entrevistas, tutoriales,
imagenes y mucho mas relacionado al arte erotico 3D...
(>*o*)> en un formato fisico <(*o*<)
John Friedland have been working in secret on this magazine together with N8Dreams
these last months and now it's finally done and finished, ready for you to download
(n_n) and all free of charge. (n_n)
Don't miss this opportunity to have information material, interviews, tutorials,
images and much more related to 3D erotic art ...
(>*o*)> into a physical format <(*o*<)
Good Lord !
ResponderEliminarI didn't know until now you had done this feature on your site...
Thank you so very much, YmomY, and I can inform you there are many hits on the magazine's site coming from your blog !
--- John ---
You're welcome, n_n dear John.. now soon I will make you a banner for your new website :P
EliminarHey, just thought I'd drop this by if you haven't noticed my blog update, it's about the closing of the blogs, and don't worry YmomY, according to this none of us are going anywhere.
huff!! thank the gods :) I feared that to come home from work and I would find with that terrible poster of "Blog Removed" (ºOº).
EliminarBut for I get to understand, I've to delete links to blogs or webs that sell their works... Is not it? like Mongo, Blackaddler, PJ23, TaaakerTV, Brawny, Affect3D, FantasyErotic, LooksCanKill and Epoch (u_u) hopefully I was wrong!
If you visit a blog and click on an ad for lets say, dildo's, well the owner of he blog gets a commission because you clicked on it.
EliminarHowever users like the ones you mentioned aren't using it for adds, they are using it for their own means, while at the same time giving art to the community.
Your best bet, is to wait till the 1st and check which blogs on your list still work, and remove those that don't.
YmomY, so far I've only noticed that for some reason, you've been effected, if your main page is viewed, the links on the left don't work, but the moment you go into a post, they work.... how odd?
ResponderEliminarOMG!!! /O.O\, let me check the html script, maybe I did something wrong the other day when I was playing with the effects :P
EliminarI fixed some little things that were wrong, let me know if there is any other error, thanks for being so helpful 'º.º'
EliminarNo más problemas, todo parece estar funcionando bien.
EliminarMe just being smart with my translator lol :D
Jajaja you're doing okay n.n
Eliminargracias YmomY :D
Eliminarhey there YmomY, just found your blog ! Can you send me a banner to put up on my link page?
ResponderEliminar(n_n) thanks for the visit (n_n) and of course that I would like to send you my banner, but I've a problem H_H I don't have one :P ironies of life :P , although if you want, you can use some of these created by cool friends :)
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EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarHi YmomY !
ResponderEliminarI',m baa-aaack ... ! :)
Decided to give the old blog a go again and see what happends. Most of them are still online so I may be in the Safe Zone ... or maybe not. we'll just see what happends, ok ?
So, I've been bulding back the looks of my old Blogger site and got it fairly shaped up. Threw in a couple of new mages you and the others may not have seen yet.
The first issue of The Magazine as you have so elegantly advertised for on this blog finally managed to reach over 10.000 (!!) downloads. Much of it is your doing, among others, and now (or Aug 2nd) we set out Issue 2 on online. We hope, of course, that this one will be just as frequented and downloaded as the first issue.
You can check out Issue 2 at: http://friedlandart.blogspot.se/p/john-friedland-art-magazine.html
Thank you very much for your efforts in making Issue 1 a success and I hope to hear from you again soon !
Your friend indeed:
--- John Friedland ---
(O.O) good news!! John, I love to help n_n, thanks to you and the magazine and congrats for the 10000 downloads (>.<) and good luck for the Issue 2, I'm sure to be a successful :D
EliminarHey, YmomY !
ResponderEliminarJust a couple of updates for you.
The mag is stone dead and benched. Will not be continued. Maybe it will turn up in a different fashion and look in future. Who knows ?
You want to do your own banners for links to artists and nothing wrong with that.
But should you want something other and new, I've got a bunch of them a bit down on this page:
Thank you for your support ! :)
--- John ---