[ John Friedland ] [ Gunner ] [ Nerddesign ] [ kombl kaurn ]

No te suenan sus nombres? Entonces checkea mi seccion de blogs, busca sus links y preparate a conocer su trabajo, no te lo pierdas!!... perdon quise decir "¡No te lo debes perder!"
Their names don't you sound familiar? Then check my blogs section, seeks their links and get ready to know about their works, don't miss it!!... sorry I meant "You won't be miss it!"
Hey, gracias por el link, los banners te han quedado genial.
ResponderEliminarDe nada Vaesark, gracias por visitarme, con el tiempo tratare de aumentar el contenido de este humilde blog *w*
EliminarHello, YmomY !
ResponderEliminarFor some peculiar reason I haven't really understood what influence your blog have had on the traffic to my site. I'm very sorry about that.
Now that I've read and actually understood the Statistics on my Blog it turns out that your blog is the one that has generated the most visits and traffic.
So, now that I finally found my way over here I find that you have even made permanent links to me at the prime spaces of your blog and that is just blowing me away here ... !
Of course, I want to thank you very much for doing this for me and even if I'm not that good at constructing websites, I will do my very best to return your favour !
Thank you so very much and bless you !
--- John ---
(T‿T) YOur words are very kind... You made me feel good (T‿T)
EliminarThanks to you too n_n for your artWork and your kindness
anD of course thanks for the visit, eventually I will try to increase the content of this humble blog :p
I'm glad I make you feel good and it's well deserved. But please don't underestimate the importance of your blog. I wish I could show you my statistics because you outrun every other source of traffic. Even Deviant Art ! The most important aspect seems to be that you pick up visitors in other languages than just English and that's worth a lot.
EliminarLove !
--- John ---